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Equality - RedRock Consulting


Diversity is a strength, not a weakness.

Since RedRock was founded in 2005, the directors have endeavoured to create an environment where everyone is accepted, supported, and above all, treated the same.

Being an equal opportunity employer, we employ people from all walks of life. When we build teams, we offer a level playing field so that everyone, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or ableness, is offered the same opportunity.

Workplace equity

At RedRock we are committed to workplace equity. Everyone here is valued based on their skills, knowledge and ability rather than their characteristics or appearance.

Cultural and ethnic diversity

RedRock considers cultural and ethnic diversity as an advantage. Different perspectives can spark creativity, drive innovation, and inspire teams to become more productive.

RedRock has carefully reviewed our hiring practices to prevent bias and discrimination while fostering a workplace culture where all individuals are valued, regardless of background. We regularly review procedures and policies so that we can uphold and extend diversity and have put in place mechanisms so that anyone can voice feedback on opportunities to be better.

We are also a proud signatory of the Race at Work Charter, an agreement that aims to help improve the equality of opportunity in the workplace with its seven calls to action.

Equal pay

The IT industry is notoriously male dominated but besides the lack of diversity, there is also a significant pay gap. This inequality can exist even more in small businesses with women being paid up to 20% less than men (Diversity In Tech 2022). We want to challenge that status quo and set our own standards to uphold ourselves to through RedRock policies. We commit that we will not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation in the allocation of employees employed in any position or salary.

By offering equal opportunities for pay and progression we have built an inclusive company culture that we are proud of and hope that it will resonate across the whole industry not only in the UK but also around the world.

Disability supportive

Due to the nature of our business being IT focussed, the vast majority of our teams can fully work from home whenever they want. This has given us the opportunity to provide more flexibility and broader opportunities for people with disabilities.

As part of our equality plan, we have put together a programme to help our contractors with disabilities work remotely with assistive technology and office adaptations.

Providing the tools does not necessarily guarantee a feeling of inclusion. Disability Awareness in the Workplace Training (DAWT) has given us practical advice on how to be confident and supportive of people with disabilities, to help them to be successful and valued members of the team.

RedRock is proud to be recognised as a Disability Confident Committed company that offers inclusive recruitment, work experience, and support to disabled people.

LGBTQ+ inclusive

LGBTQ+ rights in the workplace are more than just rules and policies from management – it’s about promoting an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.

RedRock is a workplace where communication is open, and where team leaders and management are willing to frankly talk about the personal issues that affect people. We make specific LGBTQ+ training available for all our team on request while providing an LQBTQ+ section in our employee handbook.

Significant efforts have been made to ensure that our hiring practices are inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community. Alongside this, adoption assistance and parental leave are part of our existing policies. We believe that diversity makes us all stronger and by providing equal opportunities everyone feels more comfortable.

RedRockers are enthusiastic supporters of LGBTQ+ events such as the Bristol Pride Festival as the celebration of diversity is bringing everyone closer to a community free of prejudice and hatred.


Transparent procurement

We endeavour to ensure that our purchasing of goods, services and facilities is undertaken in line with our equality and diversity commitments.

RedRock operates a responsible procurement policy that is set out in our company’s IS09001 quality procedures manual. Incorporating transparency and anti-corruption mechanisms in our relationships with other businesses is also something that we have included in our procurement policies.

RedRock ethically audits suppliers to ensure that Modern Slavery is not present within our own supply chain.

We aspire to keep high standards, serve as an example and influence our partners so that they can also uphold the principles of equality and diversity.

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